
Violin, Iotti&Vibe "Incertezza", Parma 2024
シレーナでは何度も取り上げているイタリア・パルマの楽器製作コンビPietro IottiとAgnete Vibeの新作バイオリンとなります。今回はG.B.グァダニーニのモデルを使用して製作され、アンテークフィニッシュでの仕上がりとなっています。製作に使われた裏板は非常に珍しいイタリアンメープル材となっています。通常、裏板材として使われるものはバルカンメープルが圧倒的に多いですが、今回は製作者がパルマ郊外のBercetoという小さな町に住む楽器製作愛好家よりイタリアンメープルの古材を譲り受けたとのこと。今回はその貴重な古材を使用しての楽器であり、2024年のクレモナでの展示会でも彼らのブースにてメイン楽器として展示されていました。
This is a new violin by the Italian violin maker Pietro Iotti and Agnete Vibe, who have been featured on SFV many times.This time, they have used a G.B. Guadagnini model and finished it with an antique finish.The backplate used in the production is made of very rare Italian maple. Normally, the most commonly used backplate material is Balkan maple, but this time the maker received old Italian maple wood from a violin maker living in the small town of Berceto on the outskirts of Parma. This instrument was made using this precious old wood, and it was also on display a as the main instrument at their booth at the 2024 Cremona exhibition.
This is a new violin by the Italian violin maker Pietro Iotti and Agnete Vibe, who have been featured on SFV many times.This time, they have used a G.B. Guadagnini model and finished it with an antique finish.The backplate used in the production is made of very rare Italian maple. Normally, the most commonly used backplate material is Balkan maple, but this time the maker received old Italian maple wood from a violin maker living in the small town of Berceto on the outskirts of Parma. This instrument was made using this precious old wood, and it was also on display a as the main instrument at their booth at the 2024 Cremona exhibition.