
Violin, Marco Di Salvo (laboratorio di Marcello Bellei), 2024 Modena
Out for trial use
国際コンクールでも多数の受賞歴を持つイタリアはモデナで活動をするMarcello Bellei氏が監修し、アシスタントのMarco di Salvo氏が手掛ける新作イタリアンバイオリンです。日本ではA.StradivariやGuarneri del Gesuといったよく知られたモデルを使った楽器が多くみられる中、今回はボローニャの製作家であったA.Pollastriのモデルでの製作をしていただきました。バランスよく全体的に良く鳴り、音のメリハリもあるため音が遠くまで飛びます。
This new Italian violin was supervised by Marcello Bellei, who is active in Modena, Italy, and has won numerous awards at international competitions, and was made by his assistant Marco di Salvo. While in Japan, many instruments are made using well-known models such as A. Stradivari and Guarneri del Gesu, this time we had the model made by A. Pollastri, a maker from Bologna. It has a good balance and resonates well throughout, and the sound has a clear distinction, so the sound reaches far.
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This new Italian violin was supervised by Marcello Bellei, who is active in Modena, Italy, and has won numerous awards at international competitions, and was made by his assistant Marco di Salvo. While in Japan, many instruments are made using well-known models such as A. Stradivari and Guarneri del Gesu, this time we had the model made by A. Pollastri, a maker from Bologna. It has a good balance and resonates well throughout, and the sound has a clear distinction, so the sound reaches far.
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