Violin, Alessandro Menta 2024 Cremona (20th Annivasary)
¥ 1,870,000
1981年生まれの若きマエストロ。モラッシ派の流れを汲む彼はNicola Lazzari氏の下で研鑽を積み、現在はクレモナにて日本人製作家の小寺秀明氏と共に工房を構え製作に励んでいる。今回のバイオリンは製作家としての活動20周年を記念した特別なバイオリン。かの有名なストラディバリのViottiをモデルに製作されました。今まで培ってきた彼の知識や技術がすべて盛り込まれた渾身の一品です。
Born in 1981. He studied under Nicola Lazzari(Morassi school), and now has a workshop in Cremona with the Japanese violin-maker Hideaki Kotera, where he works hard at his craft. This violin is a special commemoration of his 20th anniversary as a violin maker. It is modelled on Stradivari's famous Viotti. It is a work of art that incorporates all of his knowledge and skills that he has cultivated up to now.
*Photo in preparation
Born in 1981. He studied under Nicola Lazzari(Morassi school), and now has a workshop in Cremona with the Japanese violin-maker Hideaki Kotera, where he works hard at his craft. This violin is a special commemoration of his 20th anniversary as a violin maker. It is modelled on Stradivari's famous Viotti. It is a work of art that incorporates all of his knowledge and skills that he has cultivated up to now.
*Photo in preparation