Violin, modern german violin, Friedlich August Glass, Markneukirchen ca.1850

Violin, modern german violin, Friedlich August Glass, Markneukirchen ca.1850

Out for trial use
複数のFriedlich August Glassがいたが(Ⅰ~Ⅲ)、製作時期から見てFriedlich August Glass Ⅱ(およそ1830年から1860年の間に活動をしていたとされる)と思われる。1851年にはロンドンの展示会にて金賞を受賞している。主にストラディヴァリやシュタイナーモデルで製作。ニスは父であるFriedlich August Glass Ⅰニスの影響を色濃く受けていると思われる。

鑑定書:Rainer W. Leonhardt

An early modern German violin made in the mid-18th century in very good condition.
There were several Friedlich August Glass (I-III), but based on the period of production it appears to be Friedlich August Glass II (fl.c. 1830 - 1860), which was awarded a gold medal in London in 1851. He made mainly Stradivari and Steiner models. Varnish seems to have been strongly influenced by his father, Friedlich August Glass I Varnish.

Certificate of authenticity: Rainer W. Leonhardt



The SFV Workshop carried out the following work.

-Opening and closing of the top, a crack repair at the lower part of the top, new bassbar, peg bushings (x4), new pegs, new upper nut, new saddle, fingerboard shaving, new brigde, new soundpost, retouch and cleaning. Also new accessories & strings.